Virtual Learning Made Simple


How Capture Thought Can Help You

We’ve done plenty of research to explore the different uses of Capture Thought and how it can help students and teachers.

Here are various rubrics, grids, and curricula to maximize your Capture Thought.

Capture Thought Usage Matrix

Synchronous Learning (Distance Learning / Snow Days) Asynchronous Learning (Any Learning Environment)
Teacher Uses
  • Use Capture Thought and your smartphone as a document camera to deliver content and material over Zoom during class time with your students.
  • Capture Thought can easily be your second screen, allowing you to see your students and, at the same time, have a dedicated surface to write on naturally.
  • Use Capture Thought to quickly and easily create your educational videos. These can be used for a flipped classroom, video review problems, or explaining individual concepts to students.
  • Assign videos for homework or projects.
  • Use the peer review capabilities of your LMS to have students share their videos with their classmates.
  • Use our Rubric for feedback.
Student Uses
  • Set up Capture Thought at home. Joining a Zoom from your smartphone allows your board to be seen by the entire class. This is a great way to execute formative assessment while distance learning.
  • Capture Thought can easily be your second screen, allowing you to see vow class and, at the same time, have a dedicated surface to write on naturally.
  • Use Capture Thought to record your thinking and capture your understanding of any given concept.
  • Create a personal video catalog of your learning for an entire year.
  • Use FaceTime or any video conferencing app to collaborate with others or work individually with a tutor.

Formative Communication Rubric

for Student Submitted Capture Thought (CT) Videos

This rubric has been created from research conducted by Dr Drew Ishii (2005, 2008) and the inventor of Capture Thought, Joe DiOrio

The audience for student video submission is another student in the class or the “absent” student. Not the teacher.

Dimensions of CT Video Explanations Features and Characteristics Common Phrases Evidence

Explaining the process or work

  • Descriptions: Provides a descriptive explanation of processes or procedures
  • Applying routine correctly/not
  • Translation of symbols and mathematical work

What / did was…
I did this...
Then I…

Guiding the learner’s attention

  • Orienteering: directing towards or providing a goal
  • Kernel: Articulates relevant concepts or templates
  • Justifying steps
  • Use of definitions and facts

To do I need to…
In order to..., I need to...
...because of [def/prop/reason]
By [def/prop/reason], I can…

Showing the logical progression of the thought process

  • Exemplars: Visual aids
  • Solidify Understanding: provides connections, meaning, or context to solidify (prior) knowledge
  • Proceeding by argument or reasoning rather than by intuition

We know by [def/prop/reason] that we can...
After all of [process], we conclude…
Connecting parts
Review the process
Reflecting on previous parts

Using terms and vocabulary

  • Linguistic control: Uses particular language when identifying attributes or steps
  • Appropriately using specific terms or jargon

Context-specific terminology and vocabulary

Students can take charge of how they contribute to knowledge creation by implementing our video and explanatory protocols. As a result of removing many of the biases present in a classroom, students can express their ideas personally without the constraints of a traditional classroom environment.

Students gain ownership and authority when they share the videos with their peers, allowing them to benefit from one another's knowledge and jointly produce content understanding. Videos give the teacher a glimpse into the student's thought process and give a chance for insightful formative feedback. Based on research on explanatory discourse, the Formative Communication Rubric was created to support this system and give teachers a uniform way to provide student feedback.

Our Curriculum

Algebra 1




Capture Thought Usage Matrix (pdf)

Capture Thought Communication Rubric (pdf)

Capture Thought White Board-Grid (doc)

Capture Thought White Board-Blank (pdf)

Capture Thought Directions for School Use-Canvas (pdf)

Capture Thought Safety and Instructions (pdf)

Capture Thought Components Diagram (pdf)