How do you have time to grade all those student videos? This is the number one question we get asked when discussing Capture Thought with teachers and administrators. We are proud to offer the help of our custom Ai-Grader built specifically for assessing what a student says and does. Our Ai-Grader was built in house using research-based rubrics that specifically target communication in mathematics.
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Coming Soon
Capture Thought Basic Members get anytime access to our Ai-Grader. Backed by research, our custom grader will analyze and suggest a score based on our rubric. This is FREE to teachers because we know your time is better spent with students, not grading papers.
Our Research-Based
Integrating AI to help grade student work saves teachers time by automating the formative assessment process. Our researched-based Ai-Grader has been created from research conducted by Drew Ishii Ph.d (2005, 2008) and can quickly evaluate student made videos to help pinpoint where students can improve their explanation. As teachers, we know feedback to our students needs to be timely, personal and actionable. Our Ai Grader is built with these goals in mind and is intended to be a tool to increase a teachers reach allowing them to focus on providing personalized guidance and support to students rather than spending hours grading papers.